
Algemene projectlijst 2017-2022

Meer specifieke informatie over een project op aanvraag.

Helping Hands Foundation and Department of Community Development final list of projects  - June 2017-december 2019

NO. Region District/Ward village Project title Project  Objectives Beneficiaries Duration Applicant/Type of organisation Registration Status Local contribution (GMD) Contribution of HH/DCD (GMD) Project cost (GMD)
1 NBR Jokadou/ Dasilameh Bally Sustainable poultry management for self-employment and income generation To create employment in the community,enhance community paticipation Male Female Total 5 days Nyodema Environment and Food Security Association NEFSA. Registered CBO 40.000,00 196.500,00 236.500,00
450 700 1150
2 Lower Baddibu/Sabaa Ward  Sabaa Digging of concrete lined wells in vegetable garden  To increase vegetable production, consumption and income generation 105 270 375 3 Months Famangi Yiriwa Kafoo/CBO Registered with AG chambers 30.000,00 200.000,00 230.000,00
3   Jokadou Kerr Alagie Yoro Fencing of School (MaJliss) To provide security for the school and the properties 85 40 125 3 months Sheikh Ahmad Tijan Dem Quaranic Memorization School Private Registered School 0 200.000,00 200.000,00
4 WCR Kombo South Tujereng Rehabilitation of a three classroom block with an office To create enabling environment for improved quality education,security and health 72 82 154 6 months Tujereng Lower Basic School. Government Registered Sch 19.500,00 200.000,00 219.000,00
5 Kombo North Madiana Skills Training (Tie & Dye and Batik) To enhance capacity building and livelihood 0 54 54 20 Days Allah Wally Basiaka Kafo Registered CBO 31.000,00 130.330,00 161330
6 Kombo East Nigi Rehabilitation of Women's Vegetable Garden To increase vegetable production, consumption and income generation 165 175 340 3 Months Nigi Saaba Women Kafo Registered Women Group 16.200,00 150.950,00 167.150,00
7 Foni Kansala Kangkuntu Expansion of Skills Centre To increase the centre capacity and  diversification of skills 40 120 160 3 Months Kankuntu Women Skills Centre Group Registered Women Group 34.000,00 198.475,00 232.475,00
8 Foni Berefet Somita Provision of a Working Shed and Skills' materials To provide working shed and skills enhancement materials 20 180 200 3 Months Somita Literacy class Group Registered Women Group 18.800,00 199.100,00 217.900,00
9 CRR Niani Wassu Provision of Fishing Gears To increase self employement and fish avalability  in the communty 75 25 100 3 Months Niani Youth's Fishermen Association Registered CBO 0 184.000,00 184.000,00
10 Sami Karantaba Tenda Provision of Solar Water Supply System To  provide access to safe water supply 150 350 500 3 Months Karantaba Tenda Village Farmers' Association Registered CBO 55.000,00 200.000,00 255.000,00
11 Upper Fulladu West  Yorro Berri Kunda  Sheep fattening To create employment  and enhance income gegeration 0 100 100 18 days Yorro Berri Kunda Kambeng Kafo/women’s group Registered with AG chambers 2014/C1227 13.300 94.300 107.600
12 Bansang  Toubanding Digging a well in the women’s vegetable garden To increase access to water for vegetable production 10 40 50 3 months Fandema Kafo/charitable Registered 6.600 144.475 151.075
13 Niamina Dankunkou Gissadi Animal Husbandry To create employment and animal husbandry 210 482 692 1 year VDC Decentralized Structure 18.000 172.575 190.575
14 URR Sandu Mbye Kunda Fencing of Women's Vegetable Garden To provide security for the women's garden 50 80 130 1 Month Kutejonbulu Kafo Registered Women Group 0 111.600,00 111.600,00
15 Sandu Mamadi Ceesay Provision Mark II Hand Pump To improve access to safe drinking water 80 200 280 1 Month Kambeng Kafo Registered Women Group 0 179.000,00 179.000,00
16 Wuli West Nyakoi Tie and Dye expansion project To enhance diverse skills  expansion       36 months Nyakoi tie and Dye association registered Women Group 23.787,50 237.875 261662,5
17 LRR Gikoko Ward Soma Town Milling Machine To reduce labor on women and girls 30 40 70 1  Month Berekonko Youth De. Association Registered Youth Association 18.000,00 180.000,00 198.000,00
18 Jarra West District Mansakonko Skills Capacity Building for Youth To  create new life skills for the  youths 79 40 119 14 Months FFHC Registered NGO 0 200.000,00 200.000,00
19 Jarra West District Pakalinding Provision of Printing Materials  To create employment in the community 9 13 22 2 Weeks Regional Youth Committee Registered Youth Association 17.950,00 179.500,00 197.450,00
20 Kiang Central District Nema Rice Milling Machine To reduce labor on women and girls 10 300 310 1 Month Nema Kaira Kafo Registered Women Group 17.000,00 170.000,00 187.000,00
21 Jarra West District Mansakonko RDI Internet To provide internet connectivity for improved communication       2 months Training school ------------ 0 200.000,00 200.000,00
22 KMC Tallinding Tallinding Tie and Dye/Batik To acquire new skills in Tie/dye & batik production 2 22 24 3 Months CBO Registered 21.710,00 130.450,00 152.160,00
23 Ebo Town/Jeswang EboTown/ New Jeswang Milling Machine To reduce labor on women and girls 15 30 45 3 Months Sub Ward Registered 40.000,00 196.000,00 236.000,00
  TOTAL 359.137,50 3.528.680,00 3.887.317,50
    Projects for Direct Donations                    
A   Jokadou Kerr Alhagie Malick Ambulance  To provide ambulance services to the health facility 750 1000 1750 5 Years Kerr Alhagie Malick VDC Registered VDC 20.000,00 180.000,00 200.000,00
B   Upper Badibu Farafenni Provision Of Utility Vehicle To provide utility vehicle  for the 4H NGO        ------- 4H/ Local NGO Registered Local NGO 96.000,00 200.000,00 296.000,00
  TOTAL 116.000,00 380.000,00 496.000,00




Editie Startnummer Veilingopbrengst Cash donatie    
5 oktober 2019 € 0,00 € 0,00
3 oktober 2020 2301 € 0,00 € 0,00
1 oktober 2022 2401 € 0,00 € 0,00
Totaal   € 0,00 € 0,00  

€ 0,00
