Kanifing, School voor doven
St. John's School For The Deaf werd in 1978 opgericht in het missiehuis Hagan Street in Banjul en verhuisde vervolgens naar Serrekunda in 1984. Het is steeds sterker geworden en biedt nu onderdak aan een studentenpopulatie van bijna driehonderd. Onder de verschillende categorieën die aanwezig zijn, zijn een kinderdagverblijf, Lower Basic, Upper Basic en Senior Secondary. Grades 1 t/m 12 in het kort.
Het personeel bestaat uit horenden en doven, maar de studenten zijn diep doof.
We werden we geconfronteerd met de vervoersbehoefte van onze dove leerlingen die vanuit verschillende richtingen pendelden. We zijn hierin gesteund, Door de donatie van twee schoolbussen die met de Antwerpen Banjul Challenge mee kwamen.
Naast vervoer hebben we ook te maken met de behoefte aan klaslokalen om de toegenomen instroom op te vangen. Als gevolg hiervan gebruiken we momenteel de enige examenzaal als tijdelijke klassen voor de groepen 10 en 11.
Projectbeschrijving (200 woorden) b.v. doelstellingen, activiteiten en duur, enz.
Project Title: |
Provsion of school buses |
Location |
Kanifing Municipality, KSMD |
Applicant Organization |
Name of organization: St Johon School for the deaf Type of organization: School Address: Kanifing Municipality, The Gambia |
Registration status |
N/A |
Contact person/project leader |
Name: Daniel J Mendy, Principal. Tel 2965785 |
Sector, e.g. health, education, agriculture, etc. |
Education |
Number of people expected to benefit from this project
Is estimated at 250 pupils |
Background Information St. John's School For The Deaf was established in 1978 at the mission house Hagan Street in Banjul then moved to Serrekunda in 1984. It has grown from strength to strength and now housing a student population of nearly three hundreds. Among the different categories present are a nursery, Lower Basic, Upper Basic and Senior Secondary. Grades 1 to 12 in short. Front view of the St John School for the Deaf
The staff is of a mixed lot which comprises of hearing and deaf but the students are profoundly deaf.
Besides transportation, we also are faced with the need for classrooms to cater for the increased in the intake. As a result, we are presently using the only exam hall as temporary classes for grades 10 and 11. Project Description (200 words) e.g. objectives, activities and duration, etc. This project is about provsion of school bus for the pupils’ of St John School for the deaf in Kanifing in order to ease the transportation challenges of students of the said school who are special needs school. The existing school buses are all no longer road worthy and hence children find it extremely difficult to go to school since the exisitng public transportation facilities are inadequate and in fact not ideal for the students of the school who are speical needs children.
Current school buses of the school that are all out of the road beause they have served their useful life
Major goal |
Specific objectives |
Expected outputs |
Project Sustainability
Editie | Startnummer | Veilingopbrengst | Cash donatie | ||
1 oktober 2022 | 2430 | € 0,00 | € 0,00 | ||
1 oktober 2022 | 2431 | € 0,00 | € 0,00 | ||
7 oktober 2023 | 2510 | € 2608,00 | € 0,00 | ||
Totaal | € 2608,00 | € 0,00 | € 2608,00 |