Kitty, Herbouw kliniek na brandschade

De kliniek is gelegen in Kitty Village in Kombo South bij Brikama.
De Famile Kliniek startte in 2021 , in een gehuurd huis in Kitty Vilage (Brikama ) Gambia.
Door een brand hebben we de kliniek in 2023 helaas moeten sluiten. We zijn toen verhuisd naar de health post in Faraba Kairaba. Door verschillende oorzaken wordt ons contract daar niet verlengd.
Ook de bewoners van de Kitty Vilage wilden graag dat we terug zouden komen .
We zijn nu op zoek naar partners om mee samen te werken en bij te dragen aan de gezondheidsbehoefte van de mensen in onze wijk. De start van de wederopbouw van de gezinskliniek is gepland in de maand februari 2025.
Wat hebben we nodig?
We streven ernaar om fondsen te werven en hiermee onze kliniek in Kitty te herbouwen. Dit zal naar verwachting de komende 8 tot 9 maanden duren. (als we financieel worden ondersteund) Bij onvoldoende financiële middelen zal het uiteraard langer gaan duren. We willen de kliniek echter zo snel mogelijk heropenen om alvast zoveel mogelijk patiënten te kunnen helpen. Het liefst volgende
week al!
We willen u nu graag om hulp vragen om de kliniek zo snel mogelijk te heropenen en te kunnen draaien voordat het nieuwe gebouw helemaal klaar is. We zullen in ieders geval wat medicijnen en wat materialen voor ons werk moeten kopen.
De herbouw:
De herbouw van de kliniek zal op twee punten plaatsvinden:
*Ten eerste willen we ervoor zorgen dat we ons gebouw herbouwen om het comfortabeler te maken.
Benodigde budget:
Het budget voor de heropening van de kliniek zal in 2 fasen zijn:
1. De opening van het oude gebouw van de kliniek dat is afgebrand, wat ons bijna D110.000 kost.
2. De herbouw van het oude huis en het gebouw is volledig geschat op D785.000. Dit is voor de renovatie en het onderhoud en ook het salaris van het personeel voor de eerste 12 maanden.
Hoe kunt u helpen?
We nodigen donateurs en sponsoren uit om zich bij ons aan te sluiten en ons te helpen.
Als het aan ons ligt willen we volgende week de overstap maken van de Faraba Kairaba-kliniek naar Kitty Village in Kombo South.
Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met:
- het telefoonnummer +2203926871 en
-het e-mailadres:
Zie ook: U kunt de volgende bijgevoegde foto's hieronder bekijken.
Alvast bedankt namens dr, Njie en de bewoners van Brikama!
Project Title: restoration Clinic |
Location kitty kombo south. |
Region:western region the gambia District/ward komba south Village; kitty. |
Applicant Organization NK FAMILY CLINIC |
Name of organization:NK FAMALY CLINIC Type of organization: Address: BRIKAMA Phone:+2203926871 |
Registration status |
Contact person/project leader |
Name: Bakary n Njie Position: CEO Phone:+3926871/+2203222966 |
Project mamagement team |
Name: Bakary n Njie Position: CEO Phone: +2203926871/ 2203222966 Email:bakarynjie3’ |
Name: nfamara Njie Position: assistance ceo and administrator. Phone: +2203126158 Email
Project Partners/ stakeholders (if any) |
Name of organization :ministry of health the gambia .and 45family clinic the gambia. Type of organization: government of the gambia .and NGO Address:Banjul and brikama respectively Telephone:+ 2203922189. |
Required Budget (GMD) |
Funds required from the HHF/DCD
Counterpart contribution(GMD)
10 percent total cost is pledged
Bank details (Bank in Gambia ) |
Sector |
Duration of project(in months) |
How long will the project last, including starting date?
Number of people expected to benefit from this project
Male:40’000 Female: 60’000 Total:10’000 or more people could benifet from this project. |
Project Description (200 words)Brief summary of project backgrond, problem statement and justification Family clinic is a non profity ,but chartable organision that aims to bring health to the dor steps of every humanbeen regardless of color, trip,or religion. We yourng men and womans who this the diffecultys our people go through when they need health services , expecially the childrens and woman who are pregnent . and we start going in to health service delevery from the year 2022 january up to today and from that time to today we delever over 69 babys and we give 53 reproduct and child health clinic days. Over 472childrens and 392 womans and girls were assisted in the areas of reproductive health and vaccination of people against all preventable diseases. We aim to improve the health of the people throughout their life. We aim to improve access to health services. And we have the most affoderble cost of health service throughout the gambia . we give the most quality and bset health service to the puplation regardless of our ages ,we a higherly experince nurses and our ceo is one of the best and most experince man in the gambia. We aim to provide comprehensive care to the people we serve including familys and community. Preventative care, holistic care, treatment for a varity of issues , and as well we have psychotherapy . Ligal issues; we have qualify and license staffs. And we work within the guideline of the ministry of health in the gambia. We work with the regional health managerment team and return monthly statices to ministry of health through the regional health managerment team. We will be very much greatful to have a helping hand to be able to do work as we aim. Your help will go a long way to improvr the qualitys of life of many people . |
Major goal |
To provide medical services to the population including woman’s girls, old ages and children’s. basically the most vulnerable people in our community’s and in the country at large
Specific objectives |
To give quicker and most accessable health care to the needs in the comminities .to give profissonal care to the population.
Expected outputs |
Providing affordable health care service to people in needs.
Project Sustainability
Family clinic is a non-profit organization they have an objective of given health care to the needed. We make contribution to start this project and now we make sure that we have a revolving found by we use to pay staffs and buy medicine and as well look for donors help to bust our sustainability. We ensure the sustainability of our operation is always priorities and now we are moving to our own side, and we aim to expand to other areas in the country as well |
Implementation schedules |
Activities: 25 January 2025 Timeline: depending on the outcome
Family Clinic
Kitty Village
Kombo South District West Coast Region. Banjul, The Gambia
Western Africa 21th, January, 2025.
The objectives of family Clinic are of good health services for women of old ages and children, and it includes improving health and wellbeing, managing childhood illness, and promoting healthy growth and development. We aim to bring health care to be accessible to everyone regardless of their personalities.
Health literacy: Helping people in development of knowledge and skills about their health and wellbeing. Encourage children to be active through play, sports, and exercise and managing childhood illness
Integrated approach: Consider all aspects of a child's health and provide a continuum of care.
Reduce risk factors: Reduce the risk factors for diseases that can arise later in life.
End preventable child deaths: Promote the healthy growth and development of all children and their access to services.
Make it easier for families to find services: Help families to find the right clinicians, equipment, and treatments and helpline families to have confidence in the system.
Build trust that children can use services without compromising privacy and that they will receive quality care. Family clinic is one, when it comes to quality health service delivery and to improving the quality of life of children in the Gambia. We do not only stop at those, our services has range to many different areas, we have nurses who are prepare to help and assist their patients.
Family clinic offers a range of services, including routine checkups, vaccinations, screenings, and treatment for common illnesses. Family clinic also provide care for injuries and offer referrals to specialists, annual physicals,blood tests, urine analyses, and other laboratory procedures, vaccinations Seasonal flu shots and Child vaccinations.
Screenings Cholesterol testing, BMI testing, High blood pressure screenings, and Diabetes screenings. We also treat some common illnesses in the country such are Colds, Flu, Urinary tract infections (UTIs), Sore throats, Coughs, and Nasal congestion. Treatment for injuries are minor cuts and small burns then referrals to specialists. Moreover, we also engage in treating the following as well, Fertility care, Foot and ankle care, Gastroenterology care, Genetic counselling, Geriatric care, Hand care, Hearing care, and Heart care...
Mission statement: To inspire hope, contribute to health and well being by providing the best care for every patient, client alike through integrated clinical practice, education and research.
In conclusion: Family Clinic starts in September 18th,2021 in a rented house in brikama Kombo central. We are committed to bringing quality health service delivery to our clients and everybody else in the Gambia. We develop an outline of objectives for the achievement of our goals, that is by 2031 we should be able to have 3 clinic across the country. We will be able to train staffs in. Ie, recruitment of young people in to the health system and expanding their knowledge in health care services delivery. We aim to improve emotional and physical health care of everyone. We looking for partners to join with and contribute to the health needs of our people. Reconstruction of family clinic is coming in next month February 2025. We aim to look for fund and rebuild our clinic in kitty. This is expected to take us through the next 8 to 9 months if financially supported, Or it may go beyond that depending on the income we have. However we want to reopen the clinic to operate, if we have some money by next week. We will like to request for a help to reopen the clinic and start operating before the new building will be finished. This is due to the termination of the contract agreement between us and faraba Kairaba. Faraba kairaba clinic is now going to be retained by the faraba kairaba people only.
We will hopefully need to buy some medicines and some materials for our work. If not we may lose some of our staffs and that will not be good for us. Family clinic is very well known and has a very strong relationship with our clients and everybody else in the health sector. Maintaining that reputation is of a great importance to us. The reconstruction of the clinic will be on two points. One is to make sure that we rebuild our building to be more comfortable and we aim to build a storybuilding; a two deck house containing eye unit, ENT unit, children ward and gynaecologist unit and office for staff as well as a conference hall.
We have made some renovation to the old building and hopefully we will complete it next week. And we will temporary be working there. The budget for the reopening of the clinic will be in 2 phases, 1. The opening of the clinic old building that is been burned which is costing us almost D110 000 and next week hopefully we move from faraba kairaba clinic to kitty village in Kombo south. 2. Rebuilding the old house and the building is totally extemated to cost D785000. The requirements for the renovation and maintenance as well as staff salary for 12 months.
We invite donors and sponsor to join us to help the people. For any information, please reach out to the Contact number +2203926871 and email address: for detail. You may see the following attached pictures below.
Editie | Startnummer | Veilingopbrengst | Cash donatie | ||
Totaal | € 0,00 | € 0,00 | € 0,00 |