
Kunting, Kleuter en Basisschool


De school heeft dringend een upgrade nodig. Al jaren zijn er geen kosten gemaakt. Dit resulteert in muren die moeten worden geschilderd, tegels op de vloer in plaats van zand, nieuwe toiletten en een plek waar meisjes zichzelf kunnen opfrissen als ze hun menstruatie hebben. Dus ze kunnen naar school in plaats van elke dag een dag thuis te blijven.

Project Title:

Nursery and Basic school Kunting


Region: Central River


Village: Kunting

Applicant Organization

Name of organization: Warme Gloed

Type of organization: VZW

Address: Streepweg 12, 2220 Hallaar

Phone: +32 478 234799


Registration status


Contact person/project leader

Name: Patrick Geysels

Position: Chairman

Phone: +32 478 234799


Project mamagement team

Name: Joeri Van Deuren

Position: Coordinator



Name: Chris Van Egdom

Position: Treasurer






Project Partners/ stakeholders (if any)

Name of organization: Moobeta Foundation

Type of organization: non-cmmercial NGO



Required Budget (GMD)

2.499.600 Dalasi






Bank details



BBAN 008201624000500322

Moobeta Foundation 




Education, agriculture

Duration of project(in months)

Several years, max 5 years


Number of people expected to benefit from this project

Male:      Female:    Total:

Difficult to say, it depends on the children that come to school. But we see already the number is rising thanks to the minimal efforts we have already made.

Project Description (200 words)Brief summary of project backgrond, problem statement and justification


Renovation and expansion of hursery and primary school in different phases.


1. Renovation of existing classrooms: painting + laying floor tiles                                 581.300 GMD

2. Sanitary room: new toilets + washing place for girls                                                    581.300 GMD

3. Schoolgarden: fence + material                                                                                        232.500 GMD

4. Solarpanels + solar cooking                                                                                               872.000 GMD

5. Renovation + redecoration school kitchen                                                                     232.500 GMD


The school needs an urgent upgrade. For years there have been no costs done. This result walls that need painting, tiles on the floor instead of sand, new toilets and a place where girls can refresh themselves when having their periods. So they can to school instead of staying home a days each month.



Major goal

Improvement of classrooms and sanitary + improvement of learning conditions.


Specific objectives

More modern learning opportunities


Better hygiene




Expected outputs

More children coming to the school because of more possibilities to learn and because of a meal at school.



Project Sustainability









Follow-up of ongoing processes + several visits per year to the school



Implementation schedules

Activities:           Timeline:                          Responsibilities

It all depends on the funds that we can raise. We hope to realise between march 2018 and april 2023.


1. Renovation of existing classrooms: painting + laying floor tiles                                 

2. Sanitary room: new toilets + washing place for girls                                                   

3. Schoolgarden: fence + material                                                                                        

4. Solarpanels + solar cooking                                                                                              

5. Renovation + redecoration school kitchen                                                                    

Justice MK Saidykhan: +220 364 6208

Bai Dodou Jallow: +220 999 6108

Saikou Sanneh: +220 993 2009

Saikou Jawla: +220 379 8643













Editie Startnummer Veilingopbrengst Cash donatie    
5 oktober 2019 2204 € 6455,00 € 2710,00 2710 Euro cash geschonken aan Warme Gloed
5 oktober 2019 € 0,00 € 0,00
5 oktober 2019 2210 € 3272,00 € 2000,00 2000 € donatie in cash aan Kunting / Warme Gloed
5 oktober 2019 2214 € 4109,00 € 1160,00 1160 Euro wordt nog overgemaakt naar de school
5 oktober 2019 2203 € 3018,00 € 0,00
Totaal   € 16854,00 € 5870,00  

€ 22724,00
