Pakau Njogu, basisschool
Een van de doelstellingen van het project is het voorzien in een gebruiksvriendelijke bron van veilig drinkwater voor zowel leraren als studenten, terwijl ook de sanitaire toestand van de schooltoiletten en -lokalen in het algemeen wordt verbeterd, en het ondersteunen van het schoolvoedingsprogramma door de watervoorziening van de schoolmoestuin. Het project zal ook de uitbreiding van de theorie naar de praktijk bevorderen in wetenschappelijke vakken zoals landbouw, tuinbouwproductie en andere gebieden in het curriculum.
De belangrijkste activiteiten van het project zijn de installatie van een boorgat en een watertank van 2000 liter, waarbij waar mogelijk of passend gebruik wordt gemaakt van de bestaande constructies zoals de handpompput. De uitvoering van het project mag niet langer duren dan twee weken voor voltooiing.
Na uitvoering zullen de schooldirectie en de dorpsontwikkelingscommissie ervoor zorgen dat de boorput daar niet onzorgvuldig wordt gebruikt en zullen zij samen met de gemeenschapsleden bijdragen aan de instandhouding en duurzaamheid van het voorgestelde project.
Project Title: |
Solar-powered borehole |
Location |
Pakau Njogu basic cycle school |
Applicant Organization |
Village Development Committee of Pakau Njogu |
Registration status |
Registered with A G chambers |
Contact person/project leader |
Momodou B Jallow-7788392,3457348 |
Project management team |
VDC and School management committee (SMC) |
: |
Project Partners/ stakeholders (if any) |
DCD Department of water resources Ministry of basic and secondary education Ministry of Health Department of Agriculture |
Required Budget (GMD) should not exceed D200,000 |
D198,000 |
Counterpart Contribution (at least 10% of the total cost) |
D19,800 |
Bank details (account number and b-band number) |
Access Bank Barra Branch Account number-04415001 Bban number-0020230000509 |
Sector, e.g. health, education, agriculture, etc. |
Education, Health, and Agriculture |
Number of people expected to benefit from this project |
More than 1000 students |
Project Description (200 words) e.g. objectives, activities and duration, etc. Among the objectives of the project is the provision a user friendly source of safe drinking water for teachers and students alike, while also improving the sanitary condition of the school toilets and premises in general, and supporting the school feeding program by supplementing the water supply of the school vegetable garden. The project will also promote the extension of theory into practice in science subjects such as Agriculture, horticultural production and other areas in the curriculum. The main activities of the project will be the installation of a borehole and a 2000liters water tank using the existing structures like the hand pump well where possible or appropriate. The implementation of the project should not take more than two weeks before completion. After implementation, the school management committee and the village development committee will ensure that there the borehole is not used carelessly and together with the community members, they will contribute to the maintenance and sustainability of the proposed project.
This is a sample of water supply facility desired to provide clean water supply to both students and teachers
Major goal |
To provide access to safe drinking water in the school |
Specific objectives |
To improve learning by limiting the amount of time and energy students spend at the handpump well |
To support the school’s feeding program via gardening |
to improve thesanitary condition of the school environment, especially toilets |
Expected outputs |
Improved nutritional health and conducive teaching and learning environment in the school. |
Project Sustainability
The maintenance aspect of the school improvement grant will support the sustainability of the project. Also, the VDC and SMC will ensure community participation to sustain the project. |
Editie | Startnummer | Veilingopbrengst | Cash donatie | ||
Totaal | € 0,00 | € 0,00 | € 0,00 |