
Bureng Village, laboratorium voor upgrades van het districtsziekenhuis


RECHTVAARDIGING: Het enige ziekenhuis in heel Jarra East heeft geen goed uitgeruste schoot om bepaalde diensten uit te voeren, zoals het scannen op zwangere vrouwen. Als gevolg hiervan reizen mensen helemaal om toegang te krijgen tot de service door naar Soma te reizen, dat 32 km verderop ligt. sommige complicaties tijdens de zwangerschap.

Projectbeschrijving: Het voorgestelde project heeft tot doel de zorgverlening in het District Hospitaal te verbeteren door extra apparatuur in het laboratorium aan te bieden. Als onderdeel van het plan zullen een gloednieuwe ultrasone scannermachine en een bed worden verstrekt in het District Hospitaal-labo.

Project Title:

Promoting Effective Healthcare Service Delivery  at Bureng District Hispital by Upgrading the Lab 


Bureng District Hospital, Bureng Village Jarra East District Lower River Region The Gambia West Africa 

Applicant Organization

Name of organization: Bureng Youths and  Youths Development Association 

Type of organization:  Youth Organization Year of formation:  2008 

Address: Bureng Village 

Registration status

Registered as a charitable organization at AG chembers (cert. No. 174/2008)

Contact person/project leader

Name: Amadou  Darboe       Position: President

Phone: 220 – 2500294

Project mamagement team

Name: Amadou Darboe 

Position: project manager 

Phone: 220 - 2500294

Name: Numo Kanyi 

Position: Financial Controller 

Phone: 220 - 6142742

Project Partners/ stakeholders (if any)

Health center management committee and Bureng Village Development Committee 

Required Budget (GMD)should not exceed D200,000 

Item/service Description 


Unit Cost (D)

Total (D)

Ultrasound  scanner machine




Total GMD





Counterpart Contribution (at least 10% of the total cost)

Item/Service Description 


U. Cost (D)

Total (D)


Transportation cost 




In cash 





In cash 

Installation cost 


Lump sum 


In cash 

Total GMD




Bank details (account number and b-band number)

Account Name: Bureng Youth and Youths Development Association Bank Name: Trust Bank. A/C No: 112-901546-01  B-Ban Number: 002201126549820182

Sector, e.g. health, education, agriculture, etc.


Number of people expected to benefit from this project

15000 People and extimted population of the catchment area of the Hiospital 

Project Description (200 words) e.g. objectives, activities and duration, etc. 

JUSTIFCATION: The only hospital in the whole of Jarra East is without an well equip lap, to conduct certain services such as scanning for pregnant women. As a result, people travell all the way to access the service by travelling to Soma which is 32 KM away.This has affected  service delivery at the District Hospitle in the ara and  put burden on people in the area, as well as delay is adressing some of the complectations in pregncy.  

Project Description: The proposed project seeks to improve healthcare srvice delivery at the District Hospitle by providing additional equipment at the lab. As part of plan, a brand new Ultrasound  scanner machine and a bed will be provided at the District Hospitle lab. Below is the detail description of the proposed machine. 


Major goal

Improve Healthcare service delivery at the District Hospital by upgrading the facilities for effective services delivery in the area by the end of the project.

Specific objectives

Provide one standard ultrasound scanner machine at the lab

Minimize rate of maternal complication  and delay in seeking treatment in the area 

Reduce burden on beople from travelling far for scanning 

Expected outputs

One complete set of brand new  ultrasound scanner machine installed ,at the lab  and Easy access to health care service by people in the area

Project Sustainability





As part of strategies to maintain the project, the association in collaberation with the Village Development Committeee will: 

  • Stregthen the existing health center management committee
  • Mobilize fund for the upke of the machine, by introducing a minimal user fee. 
  • Regular inspection and maintenance service by the committee
  • Opening of a special account for the upkeep of the fund 




Editie Startnummer Veilingopbrengst Cash donatie    
5 oktober 2024 2603 € 0,00 € 0,00
Totaal   € 0,00 € 0,00  

€ 0,00
