Sika, Schermen van moestuin voor vrouwen
De doelstellingen van dit project is om bij te dragen aan de algehele productiviteit van vrouwelijke tuinders door middel van groenteproductie. De belangrijkste activiteiten van dit project zijn het omheinen van de moestuin voor vrouwen in Sika, die momenteel in een zeer slechte staat verkeert, en daardoor de algehele productiviteit van de tuin verminderen doordat zwerfdieren hun gewassen opeten en zo hun productiviteit beïnvloeden. Het omheinen van de tuin zal de productiviteit van vrouwen verhogen, waardoor hun inkomen stijgt.
Dit project zal daarom in niet geringe mate bijdragen aan de sociaaleconomische vooruitgang van vrouwen, aangezien het zal helpen zowel hun inkomen te verhogen als bij te dragen aan hun voedingsstatus door toegang tot de consumptie van verse groente.
Project Title: |
Fencing of Sika Women Vegetable Garden |
Location |
Sika |
Applicant Organization |
Sika Women Yiriwa Kaf0 |
Registration status |
Registered with A G chambers |
Contact person/project leader |
Sidy Saidykhan –CDA Tel: 3692899
Deborah Menday Tel: 3225563/ 2612342 |
Project management team |
Garden management committee |
Project Partners/ stakeholders (if any) |
DCD Department of Agriculture Department of water resources |
Required Budget (GMD) should not exceed D200,000 |
D200,000 |
Counterpart Contribution (at least 10% of the total cost) |
D20,000 |
Bank details (account number and b-band number) |
N/A |
Sector, e.g. health, education, agriculture, etc. |
Agriculture |
Number of people expected to benefit from this project |
A minimum of 150 women will directly benefit from the project |
Project Description (200 words) e.g. objectives, activities and duration, etc. The objectives of this project is to contribute to overall productivity of women gardners through vegetable production. Key activities of this project shall be fencing of women vegetable garden in Sika which is currently at a very bed state and hence reduce the overall producti vity of the garden due to stray animals eating their crops thus effecting their productivity. Fencing of the garden will increase the productivity of women thereby increasing their levels income. This project therefore will contribute to socioeconomic advancement of women in no small measure since it will help in augementing both their income earnings as well as contrubute to their nutritional status through access to consumption of fresh vegetasble.
Example of type of fence of the garden which does not prevent animals from entering the garden
Major goal |
To improve production and productivity in the garden |
Specific objectives |
To provide security of crops in the garden from planing to harvest |
To promote increased crop yield |
To facilitate overall vegetable health and growth |
Expected outputs |
Increased productivity as well as increase in the number of women working in the garden |
Project Sustainability
Post harvest member contributions Savings of a portion of vegetable sales for sustainability purposes |
Editie | Startnummer | Veilingopbrengst | Cash donatie | ||
Totaal | € 0,00 | € 0,00 | € 0,00 |